The 2014 Bison Classic Motorcycle Rally was a great success and some thank yous need to go out.
Chairman-Chas Peters
Co-Chair-Clarence Holigroski
Registration-Kim Robinson
Show N Shine- John Thompson
Security-Dave Bjornson
Games-Rick Warkentin
Catering-Trisha Warkentin
Cleanup-Terry Neustater
Photography-Erv Peters, Gord Peters
Prizes – Tim Klassen
Parade-Tom Hesom
Regalia-Rick Peters, Mike Baraschuk
And the many more that stepped up and helped a little or a lot and also to all that attended.
If you are interested in a DVD slide show of the Rally weekend contact us via email or at a meeting to order a copy. Cost is $5.00 and all the money goes to the The Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus Association of Manitoba.